Failed AWS console login notifications

When it comes to securing the cloud, one often overlooked part is monitoring failed login attempts, and more specifically in this case failed login attempts to the AWS console. Of course things like strong user passwords and enabling 2FA should be the first setting you do when creating a new account. But now that you up and running, you could have a situation where someone manages to get some usernames from you company and starts trying to break in, how would you know?
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Intro to Amazon Personalize

Ever wondered how when browsing through the Amazon website/app there is always a list of products that are “Recommended for you…”? Do you often sit there and think “How on earth do they know that I might want to buy those unicorn socks with matching scarf….”? Well, it’s not witchcraft, Blackmagic or lucky guesses. For the past decade or so Amazon has been spending a lot of time investing in their machine learning algorithm that powers their recommendations service on their sites.
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Byte Size CI/CD - Part 2

Continuing on from Part 1 of how we built the Byte Size blog using CI/CD. This time we dig deeper into the whole process and hopefully have a working CI/CD at the end of it. So lets just jump right in!
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